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Connecting those in need with those who want to help

You're one click away from changing someone's life. 
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Change starts with you. 
Women Holding Hands
300 women & children are turned away from the shelter system in Canada any given night because there are no beds.
Why urgent support is needed 

1 woman or girl is killed every 2.5 days in Canada as a result of domestic violence.


160 women and girls were murdered in Canada in 2020. 50% of these women were killed by a current or former intimate partner.


67% of Canadians say they have personally known at least one woman who has experienced physical or sexual abuse.


Almost 40% of those who had experienced domestic abuse said it made it difficult to get to work & 8.5% said they lost their jobs because of it.


Over 2/3 of human trafficking incidents in Canada between 2009-2019 were reported in Ontario.


95% of victims of human trafficking in 2019 were women and girls.


How does Safe Transitions help? 
Safe Transitions is a transitional housing solution. We're a Toronto-based non-profit connecting shelters with landlords and vacant properties to provide safe housing for survivors of rising domestic violence and human trafficking. This in turn frees up space in shelters for incoming emergencies that are currently at an all-time high. Additionally, we set up our clients for success with the support system and resources necessary to get back on their feet. 
Safety isn’t expensive, it’s priceless
The accommodation is very healing and has direct impact on my wellbeing.
*Julie, domestic violence survivor. 

While being housed through our program she has successfully secured a part-time job and is currently interviewing for a better paying job while working on bettering her physical and mental health. 

clients’ names have been changed to protect their privacy.

Confident Woman
Thank you for changing my life. 

Partnerships that help our Community

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